2019-10-03 · If an element’s value exceeds its maxLength attribute and it is set to true. typeMismatch: If an element’s value is invalid per its type attribute and it is set to true. valid: If an element’s value is valid and it is set to true. valueMissing: If an element (with a required attribute) has no value and it is set to true.
The required property sets or returns whether a text field must be filled out before submitting a form. This property reflects the HTML required attribute.
logStr("SweetAlert expects at least 1 attribute! setDefaults=function(e){if(!e)throw new Error("userParams is required");if("object"! hasOwnProperty,v=[].slice,w=/\.js$/;o=function(a,b){var c,d=k(a),e=d[0];return "]:c,n=0;n
It's not the same as the …
When an attribute does not exist on an element some browsers return it as undefined and some as boolean false, therefore, we need to check for both values.; In ECMAScript 5 below, undefined can actually be overwritten, but this should not matter much if you're in control of the coding. Cookie path attribute. If a cookie is created for a webpage, by default, it is valid only for the current directory and sub-directory. JavaScript provides a path attribute to expand the scope of cookie up to all the pages of a website. Cookie path attribute Example.
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The RequiredAttribute attribute specifies that when a field on a form is validated, the field must contain a value. A validation exception is raised if the property is null, contains an empty string (""), or contains only white-space characters.
The novalidate attribute will disable the browser's default validation. Set the name attribute in